Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Princess Chooses Love Over Palace Life

"TOKYO Nov 15, 2005The only daughter of Japan's Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko married a childhood friend Tuesday and began life as a commoner after moving out of the royal palace and giving up the title of princess so the wedding could take place." - Extracted from ABC News, By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press Writer.

Best wishes on your marriage, Mr. Yoshiyuki Kuroda and Mrs. Sayako Kuroda.

I liked this news story for some reason. Its nice to know that there are people out there who are not just willing but commited to acting out their true desires/values. It takes strong character and passion to make such a decision. True loyalty, integrity, and honor are hard to find these days not only in the U.S. but around the world.

There are probably people out there who say that she is insane, not practical, or simply stupid to give up royalty and everything that comes with it to be a "common" person. Because of this I feel that her decision in itself is extraordinary. I'd guess that a high percentage of people couldn't make such a decision. Especially since we live in a world that measures our successes and "happiness" by material things and our ability to obtain them. Even the pratical things we measure success with like, owning a home or a having good job, are overshadowed by her simple choice.

How many life altering decisions/sacrifices have you made for something greater, something more valuable?


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